We deal with ferroalloys and metal trading since 1995. We admit, that till that time we nearly did not
know those materials exist and where they are used. In those 30 years, we gained a lot of expirience and
as well had seen a lot. We were able to visit places where ordinary person is not allowed to go, and so
we have created towards earth and earth mineral resources a respectful relationship.
Today we base our success on this experience and learned knowledge. We are one of the biggest ferroalloys
suppliers in central Europe and small as well as big steel makers rely on us. We supply not only high
quality materials but as well first class service which saves to our customer’s anxiety and costs.
Our long term objective is to continuously develop and improve quality of our business relationships with
our European customers and worldwide suppliers, to provide first class services and deliver supreme materials
for your products.
What is a ferroalloy?
Offered products
The deliveries of products to customers is carried out by form of road or rail transportation or by a vessels.
All our materials are packed according customers’ needs and requirements. They are delivered ether bulk, in steel boxes, big bags or steel drums.
As part of logistic services optimisation the GRADIENT company has developed a system of warehouses, used for further distribution of goods to the individual customers.
In co-operation with our partners, banks and financial institutions, our company has a sophisticated system of providing financial services to our customers.
Our Partners
Our suppliers are the leading ferroalloys and metals producers from Kazakhstan, Russia, China, India, South Africa and South America.